
Personal reflections on urbanism, urban life and sustainable urban design in Wellington, New Zealand.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Bring back the matt!

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The package, Wellington's indispensable weekly gig guide with a bafflingly unreliable web site, recently switched from matt to gloss paper. The result: it's now bloody difficult to read. It's hard on the eyes, and raises the frightening (though unlikely) possibility of planning a night at Bodega and ending up at the Cambridge by mistake. Shudder.

However, the good package people have obviously realised their error, and are now asking their readers whether to stay glossy or switch back to matt. Cunning buggers that they are, they've turned it into a revenue-earning text survey: text WIN MATT to 3654 (I'm not going to tell you what to put if you prefer gloss). It'll cost you 50c, but you might win stuff. Go ahead: bring back the matt!


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