File under: drink, Wellington

Here's the proposal:
- We arrange to meet in a local bar for drinks and chat.
- I suggest some time late this week (Thursday, Friday or Saturday): please leave a comment with your preference.
- I'm open to suggestions for venue: somewhere laidback and quietish with good cocktails would be ideal (we can head off somewhere more raucous later if we want).
- You don't have to be blogger to turn up: bloggers, commenters, flickrers and anyone who doesn't mind us wittering about blogging and boozing is most welcome
- With one proviso: anyone who suggests a bar in the top left quadrant is hereby disinvited.
Damn, that was quick!
I don't suppose you're referring to Enzo are you? ;-)
Enzo's the one with hair :-)
Anyway, I agree that Boulot could be a good choice: good cocktails, good pizza. Any other suggestions for venue or date?
Jeez that was quick!
I will second Boulot. I will also suggest Friday.
If mid-weekdays are preffered I suggest Wednesday at Hope Bros because I will there watching the cricket and Diva Mahal (guess which one I actually care to see?).
[For the hip-index: Has hosted the wrap-party for a multi-million dollar international film about an ape +5]
Chow might be good too.
I'm up for Friday. Fine with Boulot...
Bugger, this week is a bit full up - next week would've been better. Still, you kids have fun, y'hear?
Friday @ Boulot would also be good with me, although I'll have to find Boulot to begin with, which shows how little boozing I do.
Went to Motel for the first time last Friday night and loved it though, so wherever you like is likely to be good.
Cheers for the invite,
Right then, Friday @ Boulot is shaping up as the front runner.
Andrew: Boulot is on Blair St, between One Red Dog and the Last Supper Club. I'll see if I can book a table: they don't officially take bookings, but for an old (ir)regular like me they might make an exception.
Mike: I did say "inaugural" booze-up, so there's nothing to stop it becoming a weekly event!
Ah, the Working Blogger's Cocktail and Literary Society.
Perhaps Morrocco then?
Hold that thought Tom! I am sure something can be arranged. Oh, and I second that name, Hadyn.
sounds good. will also have to find boulot.
although not being able to 'rage' at the sports cafe is a little disappointing.
andrew, if you bring a camera with a telescopic lens i swear to god i'll take out that damn order on you.
Hi Tom
Thanks for the blog hui posting, and love the idea of a bloghooley. Yep, the organisers exist, we're just not sure how to show you our credentials without being too scary.
There's the call for papers, posters, and praxis. Submission specifications at We're hoping you'll be sliding off digital to present a paper or a poster on urbania in wellington.
I'd be keen to hear you take on postmodernist architecture and the social implications of the suburbification on downtown Wellington and what place blogging has in all this.
Sadly, we can't do drinks with you - we're in the far, far western quadrant at the moment (Aussie) right now, working on convincing James Farmer ( to come over for the hui.
Looking forward to meeting you at the hui,
Me me me me me me me
Will try. Also got work drinks (watch out liver here I come).
So we're not a book club, but a gosh darn tooting blog club. How very Anglo-Saxon sounding.
Working Bloggers - that's a bit blue collar. I try not to work. :P
Anytime from 6: details here. If you can't turn up until later, just let me know and we'll save a seat.
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