Watching the waterfront - from a distance

They held their meeting at the Wellington Rowing Club. Which is a building. On the waterfront. With no publicly accessible uses on the ground floor. Am I the only one who detects a soupçon of irony here?
I had intended to attend the meeting and put another point of view, but the weekend's activities had left me a little too tired to face that sort of conflict. However, I was looking at the exhibition of competition entries later that day, and noticed that many of the people there had obviously just come from the meeting. I caught a glimpse of one gentleman's feedback form: he had written "completely inappropriate" for each of the entries, except for UN Studios' scheme, for which he had written "Deplorable". I also noticed his address: Churton Park. Ah, it's good to see some informed comment from connoisseurs of urban vitality.
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