
The Architectural Centre is fully supportive of the council commitment to achieve "high quality built form and urban design outcomes." We particularly encourage proposals which support the premise that all new building (whether alterations, additions or new buildings) should demonstrate an overall improvement in terms of public benefit over the existing site to gain council approval.At the moment it's possible for a building to get through by "ticking all the boxes" in the design guides while still being depressingly ugly, or to be rejected despite being a positive addition to the streetscape, just because it breaks an inflexible rule. Theoretically, these changes should allow for more creativity, and possibly even convince some of the bottom-end developers that design quality is worth thinking about. But as the Centre says, if the council doesn't back this up with the right attitude and people, things could get even worse. Rumours from the council about developers holding off until the new rules are in place should have the more cynical among you wondering what we're in for.
We commend the Council for its shift towards a more "intelligent" design guide that will maximise the possibilities good designers can bring to the city. We caution though that the success of such a guide will depend on having the appropriate skills within the council to administer the guide well ... We do however have some concerns about the proposed Central Area guide in that it appears that the Council is being re-active rather than pro-active, and we encourage the Council to adopt a more visionary approach to long-term planning.

I always would have thought that this would have been prohibited under the existing Central Area rules, but evidently not. The proposed design guide (875kB PDF) has several clauses that should eliminate this sort of travesty. For instance:
G4.3: "Place publicly-relevant activity in view at the public edges of buildings. Publicly relevant activity includes retail, event space, show
rooms and any other activity to which the public may gain access."
G4.4: "The proportion of ground level windows and openings should be maximised in areas of established retail activity and where intensive pedestrian use is likely. ... Frontage treatments should complement that of neighbours. However, where a street or public open space is currently dominated by inactive edges, it is important for new development to redress rather than perpetuate this situation. Windows should be connected to internal activity. Blank or 'false' windows are not acceptable."
G4.5: "Articulate or eliminate wall surfaces that are featureless or plain. Large blank surfaces should not occur at ground level at the street edge, nor at high level if in prominent public view."
G6.3: "Ensure richness of detail is provided in public areas and other parts of buildings that are experienced by the public at close range and for extended periods of time."
An argument could be made that this sort of activity doesn't belong in this sort of area at all (perhaps it should have stayed at its existing location). But given that it's here, couldn't it at least have the decency to put an office or reception area on the Willis St side, rather than a concrete wall? If these new rules will stop this sort of thing happening, then they're definitely a step in the right direction.
FRR 60/60/60 - and bad design, combine to give a bad blank wall....
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