
Personal reflections on urbanism, urban life and sustainable urban design in Wellington, New Zealand.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Media medley café

There's a new café about to open on the corner of Willeston and Victoria Streets, directly opposite Pod. It's called Stanley Road, which is an odd name for a café (perhaps based upon the Paul Weller album, or a road elsewhere in NZ?), and it's an offshoot of one on the corner of Aitken and Mulgrave Streets in Thorndon.

Stanley Road café
Their website lists a fairly conventional café menu, but there are a few phrases that hint at some more original features: "Anything is possible, come play with the toys! Mix it up a little & be part of our media medley. Artistic scribbles are welcome or sample your sounds". So, they could be offering some sort of high-tech interactive arts and media café, which if it's done well could be an intriguing addition to the city. On the other hand, come play with the toys lends itself to all sorts of interpretations...

Also, this could be a positive influence on Willeston Street, a grey and forgettable road with little activity. In his City to Waterfront study, Jan Gehl points out (scroll down to the sixth page) that this should be a key route from the Golden Mile to the waterfront, and it needs the extra activity that this café could provide.


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